Become a Rockstar Communicator
Authentic. Memorable. Engaging.

Empowered By Speech offers acting-based communication workshops, virtual seminars and keynote sessions to corporate teams — taught by renowned screen actors and Broadway performers.


Through keynote sessions and corporate workshops, we equip your teams with the tools to hone communication skills, build confidence, and take ownership of your message— and stage.

Our clientele includes:
  • Executives & C-Suite Leaders
  • Sales Teams
  • Customer Service Teams
  • Other Distinguished Professionals

Who we are.

Empowered By Speech (EBS) provides Keynote Sessions, Team Communication Workshops, and Virtual Seminars to distinguished professionals across industries.

Our coaches are actors, Broadway and London West End performers, communication specialists, corporate consultants, writers, and other experienced creatives.

We provide you with the tools to overcome obstacles that keep you from being truly authentic and give you the resources and foundation to be the most confident version of yourself.
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Who we are.

Empowered By Speech (EBS) is a full-service, customized Speech Coaching, Speech Writing and Personal Brand  consulting firm. Each of these components is complementary and essential for effective leadership and for individuals who want to excel— taking their career-trajectory and life-journey seriously. Because no two individuals are the same, we focus on you, the talent— strengthening your unique attributes and supporting you in areas of personal and professional growth.

Our goal is to help you become a better communicator so that you can find your own unique voice. We provide you with the tools to overcome obstacles that keep you from being truly authentic and give you the resources and foundation to be the most confident version of yourself no matter who the audience!
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